

Coconut Dreams

As a part of our healthy eating journey, we have been looking at alternative solutions to sweet treats and naughty snacks and so far, this has to be the best to date! Introducing our homemade Coconut Bites. This is a super simple recipe and easily adaptable to your taste and the contents of your cupboards. I really recommend you have a go at making these delicious treats if you are looking to cut out chocolate and cake - they're a real sweet pick me up!


Pitted Dates
Desiccated Coconut
Ground Almonds
Ground Cacao Nibs
A little Milled Flaxseed and Gogi Berries
A little Hot Water
A drop of Vanilla Essence  

I haven't added the quantity of the ingredients, as you may want to add to the recipe depending on your requirements - you can add protein powder or even Chia seeds. Simply get your ingredients and add them to a blender, it needs to be a solid enough consistency so that you can roll it into balls and then put into the fridge to harden up. I rolled mine in extra coconut for even more flavour and a pretty finish. 
